Bon Jovi

Oh Bon Jovi.. You Taunt Me So!

Do you have an obsession? One of my longest running obsessions is Bon Jovi. If you know anything about me, then you already know this. What’s the point of my post, you ask? Well, I missed the last concert as we were moving to Florida within weeks of their last FL tour dates. And I just found out 2 days ago that my Jersey Boys will be back in Florida in 3 months. On May 15th. Sure sure, it’s not local and we’d have to drive to Orlando, but for the Boys, I’d go almost anywhere.

However, it’s in 3 months. And I don’t have a steady enough paycheck allowing me to pay anything more than my minimum payments on, umm, everything. Yes, yes that does suck. My amazing husband immediately started looking up their new songs so he’d know their current stuff in case they played any of it.

Jovi is a Jen and I thing. We’ve been to every other concert together. Never has a significant other joined us. However, due to her being in Jacksonville and me being in Miami and neither of us having very much money, I think we’d be buying tickets separately. Even if we did make it, I don’t think we’d be sitting standing & singing next to each other.

The problem is mainly that we have a few things in the 3 months between now and May15th to pay for. Namely MegaCon (2 day passes for the Con, hotel for 2-3 nights, 2 passes to Harry Potter land), WordCampMiami (luckily only $30/person), SheBlogs (free for the conference, but money for the hotel split about 6 ways), and of course all our bills.

So, uhh, does anyone want to loan me about $300 before 10am so I can go see my beloved Boys one more time?

Yeah, I didn’t think so…

/walks away dejectedly, kicking a rock


Bon Jovi Obsession

Whether you are aware of it or not, I am the biggest Bon Jovi fan. Ok, not THE biggest, but still pretty big considering I am still in love with an 80s hair band. However, they’re older, have more marriages (and divorces) under their belts, have a new image, and, best of all, have a slew of albums! Their latest, The Circle, is simply amazing. Yes, I am the girl that buys their CDs on the day they come out. And I don’t buy CDs! The only ones I ever buy are for Bon Jovi.

Y’all should all know by now – if you’ve been following me from the start at least – that I am graduating from East Carolina with my MBA in May. May 7th to be exact. It’s been a very long 5 year online only process through East Carolina. What does this possibly have to do with Bon Jovi? Well, due to the proximity of their North America tour in cities Jen and I can attend or graduation… I basically have to pick between attending graduation and meeting all the friends and faculty that have helped and guided me throughout the years or attending my and Jen’s 6th(?) Bon Jovi concert together since high school.

And that’s about as tough a decision as a girl’s got to make. Do I fly to Miami and attend that show with Jen and Diana, or make them come up here to attend the Charlotte show since it’s the closest one to me? Jen already said she’s got the same dilemma between Bon Jovi in Charlotte or attending my graduation. *sigh* annoying.

Enter the glory of Twitter and finding out this morning that one of the funniest tweeter/ blogger’s, @Momspective, is giving away a pair of tickets to the Charlotte show. I am doing everything I possibly can do to win this pair of tickets. Seriously. I’ve followed her blog, friended her on Facebook, tweeted about it, and now am blogging about it myself.

Yes, I am desperate for these tickets. Because weighing Bon Jovi against graduation is seriously one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. It breaks my heart thinking I might have to miss them in concert. But… 5 long years and $75K later, I am finally graduating.
