
Another Dress Choice

Yes, yes, I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted. Things are really tight at home, financially, and I feel silly ogling pretty, not to mention expensive, things online for our wedding. Until last night, when right before the snores began, Steve muttered “you’re going to be my wife one day” … *melt*

Ok folks, this is my latest idea: the trumpet flare dress. What are your thoughts on how it’ll look on me? One of my bridesmaids is coming to town in December (YAY!!) and I’m thinking I might drag her back to DB with me. I adore it in this color, but wonder if it will work well with my ladies also wearing blue. Another alternative is Champagne or Orange. Crazy, I know. I’m going to check them out in all the colors next time I venture into DB.

Here is the latest picture of me… what do you think about this dress on this body? (Yes, I’m sideways, but it looks much better on my monitor this way.. haha)


I Will Be a Fat Bride

I recently found the blog Axis Of Fat via a link from OffBeatBride.com. I am in love. Seriously.
The initial post I read on the blog said what I’ve been thinking for a while now.

Here is an excerpt from her post, but you really gotta click over there to read it all and see her gorgeous pictures!
Fat Bride Survival Guide

When I got married I was a fat bride. In fact, I was fat when I got engaged – I was even *gasp* fat when Nick and I met! Despite having a well established, recognised and loved body shape before getting married I copped a huge amount of pressure to lose weight in the lead up to the wedding. For some reason, I had it in my head that my wedding day would be a celebration of love and happiness between Nick and I however it seemed that foolish me had little idea of the true wedding agenda – basically some kind of reality tv show where the ugly duckling turns gorgeous siren.

…read the rest…

And here is the comment I just made:
I will be a fat bride – getting married 10-10-10. And like most of the other posters, I’ve been fat my whole life. I made the mistake of buying my [wedding] gown at the lowest weight I’d been in ages, and then proceeded to gain 50lbs [in about a year]. Yeah, rather than alter the dress, or myself, drastically, I’m going to buy a new one that fits me and makes me feel gorgeous the way I look. I am so sick of friends and family telling me I need to lose weight for my wedding. My fiance adores me exactly the way I am! While I do wish I were smaller, I’m not going to hide who I am or pretend I’m someone that I’m not. I come from a fat family and will have fat babies. And I am OK with that.

You look absolutely gorgeous in your dress and the pictures posted here show a wonderful wedding day. And too true, the day is about celebrating love, not the way you look in a dress.


I will be the first to admit that I am not crazy about the way I look naked. But that’s what clothes are for; they disguise our flaws and make us feel better. If they didn’t, couture sure wouldn’t cost an arm and a leg! I hate looking at size tags and feel horrible knowing that I cannot shop in certain stores.

But what am I doing about it? I am lazy. There, I said it. I would rather knit or, *gasp*, study than work out. I would rather knit than go for a walk. But I will romp on the floor with Lola and run in circles with her. I am also taking belly dancing class. While it’s not a strenuous workout, but more like slightly faster paced yoga, I’m doing something. I have exercise DVDs that sit unwatched. Again, I am lazy.

I guess this is me finally admitting it, right? I have a screwed up body image – always have – and need to own up to it. I am getting married in *checks Facebook* 415 days. While I am going to try to lose weight, for my health, I’m not going to freak out if I can’t. No one should. Stupid fashion industry and their unrealistic model body shapes.

/end fat rant
