Steve asked me earlier what it would take to make me truly happy in my life. Obviously him, our pets, my family and friends make the cut, but he meant job-wise. So I started thinking… I love to knit and want to open a yarn store one day. I want to have kids and raise them to be amazing little people that value those around them. I want to live where there are 4 seasons and lots of snow. I want a happy home full of delicious baking smells. I want more animals, friends for Lola and Phoenix, and protectors for our future kids. I want to be a better and faster knitter. I want to make clothes – knitted and sewn – for our kids.
Do you notice a pattern here? Knitting, children, animals.
I think I’ve found a focus for the blog.. now I just need to sculpt it a bit more. And build my reader base. And write far more frequently than I do now. The blogs I read posted at least once a day, and that should be my goal too. Well, at least 4 times a week. I think that’s a bit more doable for me.
What are some of your favorite blogs and why do you read them? I had over 100 wedding blogs, but even though it was a relevant topic, I skimmed them all then just clicked “mark all as read” and I’m sure I’m not alone in that.
Here’s where I need your help, lovely readers… I’m looking for a new tagline to incorporate knitting and home into my new header. Right now I’ve gotten as far as “A Hand-Knit Home: k1p2 to..” and then I can’t figure out how I want to word the rest. Help?
I’m finally tackling redesigning my blog using the handful of tutorials I found online. Good thing I know how to code and use PHP… cuz it’s difficult figuring ou where everything goes, etc. Have any of y’all done a major edit overhaul on WordPress?