So… You may have noticed the new look around here. And if you’re reading this via RSS feed, come check it out!
I finally decided to figure out how to mess with the code enough to make the changes. Huge thanks to Emeric Photography for the picture that is not only my new header, but also our desktop image.
Now if only I can figure out how to move the date from the top of the post to the bottom, change it to mm/dd/yy format, and add the time. The I think it’ll be perfect. For me.
Oh, and the “k1p2” line is because when ever I’m knitting, both Steve and my dad think they’re funny and say “knit 1 purl 2” even though I rarely knit k1p2 ribbing.
Enjoy the new look!
Nice!! I like it.
I like it a LOT!!
Look at your new digs! Nice! =)