A few years ago, I resolved to never make resolutions since I always break them. I do, however, wish on shooting stars and on my birthday time (9:16), on our wedding time (10:10) and, of course, on birthday candles. I saw this on Ashley’s blog and thought it was a great idea. Also, I learned her name. to me she is @brideonbudget and the hands forming a heart in the sand. Yes, the majority of my twitter friends I only know by their screen names and avatars.
My 2010 Plans…
One thing I will learn: how to talk more. This sounds funny, right? I know, I can talk like crazy, but it’s mostly about fluff and non-important things. I’ve spent so much time hiding my true feelings from so many people that it’s a big change to actually be open and talk about them now.
One place I will go: Vegas! Well, that’s a given since we’re getting married there. I’ll also go see the Grand Canyon. I’d love to go somewhere tropical (not Miami!) but I don’t see that in the [financial] cards for us this year.
One physical habit I will break: only walking Lola until she does her business. I will walk in circles until she goes, when I could actually be walking a good length of the trail, which is 1.7 miles one way. While I am lazy, it’s also been below freezing outside and the quicker I’m back inside, the better.
One physical habit I will cultivate: wake up earlier than normal and do a 20 minute workout DVD. Raise your hand if you think it’ll happen.
One mental habit I will break: no more Debbie Downer on my background and work skills. I know I am really talented and have so much to offer, but always doubt myself.
One mental habit I will cultivate: do homework in advance and stop waiting until the last possible second to start it. Especially since I won’t have my study buddy to push me anymore this semester.
One relationship I’ll repair: my older brother. He’s had all sorts of problems lately that I’m not going to get into here. I’m mad at him for it and don’t call him nearly as much as I used to.
One thing I’ll throw out: the 3 bins of clothes that I keep dragging from apartment to apartment. And by throw out, I mean donate stuff in good condition and use the rest as cleaning rags.
A second thing I’ll throw out: my yarn stash that I never plan on using. I hoard yarn, shove it in big clear blue boxes in the corner and forget about it. The less I have, the better, since I typically buy new yarn for each project. I rarely dig into my stash. I know, I’m a bad yarnista.
One thing I’ll eat more often: vegetables. Don’t get me wrong, I love my veggies, but I also love them cooked to the death of their nutrients – in oil.
One thing I’ll eat less: you think I’ll say fried food or fast food right? Nope, I try to avoid that stuff. But I will say I’ll eat less… in general. No more Steve-sized portions for me. (sorry, love)
One thing I’ll drink more: water, even though it’s already my drink of choice.
One thing I’ll drink less: venti non-fat, no water chai latte’s from Starbucks. I could drink one every single day if time allowed me to scoot over there. While they’re not horrible for my body, the $3.75 does add up once the gift cards run out.
One work habit I will change: does getting an MBA-worthy, wicked high paying new career count? As much as I love and adore my current job and co-workers, I just can’t afford [financially] to work here much longer.
One overdue e-mail I’ll send, or overdue phone call I’ll make: I’m not sure. I’m usually pretty on top of phone calls and emails.
One resentment I’ll get over: It’s not really a resentment but… feeling like my Christmas trip was a waste. Even thinking that way makes me upset since I love them all to pieces, but yeah, that’s how I feel. The easy answer would have been resentment at my wedding dress. But whatever, that’s just a piece of clothing.
One person I’ll treat more respectfully: my mom. I tend to get bitchy easily when I talk to her, especially after a long day. It’s easy to forget that she doesn’t know what happens to me throughout the day and I expect her to just know.
One thing I’ll spend less money on: shoes! Seriously, downfall.
One other change I’ll make in my finances: continue to attempt to pay off my credit cards by wisely using the very last student loan check from school.
One thing I’ll spend less time doing: sitting on my butt, computer in my lap, tv turned on, knitting. That was all one thought and how I typically spend my evenings. Perhaps I won’t change the knitting part since I do want to start selling some of my work.
And a thing I’ll spend more time doing: hanging out with Steve during the precious time we have together between school and work time. He means more to me than anyone else and I really do need to show my appreciation more.
What about you? What would your list have on it?