
Fiance Frustrations

Do you ever have a stupid misunderstanding with your significant other and question why you’re in a relationship with someone who does [fill-in-the-blank]?

I did earlier. He is overly cynical about relationships in general, mostly stemming from his 2 long-term previous ones with some real witchy women. I am nothing like either of them. I do not lie to him; I do not drink more than once every like 6-7 months; I do not do drugs (nor have I ever); I am not planning on telling him something life-altering 3 days before our wedding so he can’t back out; and I don’t have a kid. Nope.

I do, however, have a steady full-time job; I am going to grad school for my MBA; I did my undergrad in 4 years and a semester; I do not shop like some of my friends (as in when I do shop for clothes, shoes, or bags, it’s a few times a year and only spend a few hundred dollars as opposed to going many many many times a year and spending a few hundred dollars each time); I have been independent and living on my own since I was 17; I have a very reliable car; I am a realist-optimist; I am, for the most part, extremely responsible and reasonable.

Then why do I fly off the handle over his cynicism of relationships? Maybe because it makes me feel like I am being lumped with the rest. Or like I am being punished for the ways they treated him. Who knows. I just wish I could not do that. I’m still learning.

And yes, I write and vent… and then I go home and talk to him. Because I love him with every fiber in my body and know that he is the most wonderful and loving man on the planet. And I can’t wait to be his wife and have kids with him.

Image found here


Adoring my Fiance

This note is reason #843 why I adore my fiance. Last July was the beginning of our life under the same roof. My lease was expiring in July, but Steve’s wasn’t expiring until October. The plan was for me to move into his tiny 1-bedroom for 3 months and then we’d move into our larger 2-bedroom place in October.

I gave myself a week to move and clean my place. The evening I was going over to clean everything, I arrived to find this note stuck to my front door. Unsure of what to expect, I slowly opened the door. The apartment was spotless.


He came over on his day off and vacuumed, scrubbed and swept up my entire apartment. All I had to do was load up my car with everything and dump stuff off at the dumpster. I didn’t have to drive myself crazy cleaning and stressing out. He made my last moments at my beloved villa apartment that much better.

I know this isn’t a wedding-related post, but it kinda is since it’s why I adore my fiance so so much!
