Need Some Karma? Check out the Wudskins iPad Case

It’s official, Wudskins will be made and up for sale shortly bc they were fully funded! In fact, their donations surpassed the $10K mark.

Hey my tech loving friends out there,

Want to get in on the ground floor of a revolutionary product made specifically for iPad’s? Head over to check out Wudskins, the bamboo and metal protective case, coming straight out of one of my all-time favorite places: Gainesville, FL! Not only is it coming from the heart of Gator Town, but one of the four creator’s is my former boss and all around awesome lady!

Image Source: Meet our product tester, “Maddie”. She works hard at
testing our bamboo prototypes and guarantees our case is sturdy and slobber proof!

Straight from their Kickstarter page:

Our Project – We set out to design an iPad case with a sleek, sustainable and contemporary medium with uncompromised strength and durability. Our Wüdskins case offers maximum protection and versatility with its bamboo/aluminum design and friction hinge. The engineering of the friction hinge allows our case to be placed in the perfect viewing position on surfaces such as glass. Two main priorities that drive our company is making our case with superior products and keeping production in the US by having our cases hand made by local craftspeople.

Jennifer, Dawn, Jenna and Christina are trying to raise their initial funds over on They are closing in on the deadline, which was $10,000 in 30 days. Now there is less than 24 hours left and they are still missing just shy of $1,000. I have been monitoring Kickstarter, along with their Facebook and Twitter feeds all month and the excitement is building!

Head on over to the pledge page and read all about the rewards offered for each pledge level. You can pledge as little as $5 all the way up to $1,400. The higher the pledge amount, the more gifts and goodies you’ll get.

Disclaimer: I am not in any way being compensated for this write-up. I simply want to help them get their dream off the ground and the deadline is looming.


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