I know, I’m a terrible blogger. My bad. Life’s been busy, but I’m still here. 🙂
Yesterday was Admin Professionals day at the schools across Dade County (and probably more, but that’s where I work) and I received a gorgeous bouquet of orchids, roses and, I think, chrysanthemums. So beautiful! My entire office smelled wonderful and, later, so did my car and house. This morning, my car still smells heavenly.
I also received this email from our Board President, sent to the handful of Admins at the school…
My apologies that this is coming to you all so late in the day. However, on behalf of the board, and personally, I would like to thank you for all you do each every day.
No one, no teacher, administrator, parent, lay leader or student- could get done what they need to without your help, guidance and assistance. You are consummate professionals and represent the Hebrew Academy in the best way possible every day.
You deserve a thank you- each and every day- but especially today.Have a wonderful evening.
I knew they appreciated me here, but this just feels amazing to read and receive.
It’s the sweetest thing you could actually receive especially in your work office where everything seems all dull and serious.