You read that right! This morning I received a DM from the @LuxorLV twitter account telling me to hang tight, that their Twitter Tuesday rates would be published shortly. I’ve been all over twitter the last few weeks asking which hotel we should stay in: the Luxor or Excalibur, the Luxor or Flamingo, the Flamingo or Tahiti… you get the drift. Well, the Luxor has been on my short list for a while, and actually kept retweeting my questions out the their follower base.
Today, when the twitter-only rates were published, I was floored. I was able to book a Tower Luxury Suite for not much more than the normal price of the Tower Deluxe room.
Yes, we are staying in a huge suite that is larger than my first apartment in North Carolina for 4 nights. We will have plenty of room for the cupcakes and wine reception I’m envisioning. Also, with as big as the room is and as pretty as the pictures are, we can totally have the ceremony and take professional pictures in the room!
This after I emailed the link to this top secret special deals page to all our Vegas invitees and some have checked it out and booked their room already! I actually wonder if I should bother to get a room block. I should email again and see who hasn’t booked yet and if they want to book there and then decide.
When I was chatting with my younger brother’s girlfriend earlier, she was telling me all these places they (she) want to visit during our Vegas trip. We’re totally doing the Hoover Dam, Grand Canyon, Red Rock Canyon and Zappos! Where else should we go?