Updatey Updaterson.. & Wanted: New Blog Look

I know, I’m terrible. I finally posted something but went and made it password protected. I’m having a pretty rough time at one of my jobs and just needed to vent the ever living hell out of things. My bad. Next time, I’ll just write write write and then email it out. I’m actually surprised at how many people hit up my blog on that day. Admit it, how many of you tried to guess the password? If you want to read it, please leave a comment with your email address and I’ll be more than happy to send you the password.

OK, well, things are’nt looking up on the job front. They’re getting worse actually. Also, my 6 month grace period on all my student loans is rapidly coming to an end. Next month. Yesterday I took charge and called my lenders. I got tired of the growing stack of “you owe us your first born” letters staring me down every day. Thank goodness for deferrals! That’s all I gotta say. I got a 6 month extension because I work part time and make peanuts. Funny, they didn’t ask if my job was good or not. Had they asked I might’ve gotten the whole 36 months granted then and there.

Let’s see… we’ve been talking a lot about having babies. And going back to Vegas for our anniversary. And getting our finances in order to be able to do the above 2 things.

Does anyone want to see wedding recaps? The majority of our pictures are around Vegas as only a few hours of the 6 days was the actual wedding. We’re getting our Inkubook of the pro wedding day pictures back in a few days and I’m posting pictures of the book! I finally picked out the pictures from our Day After/ Trash The Dress session and will be making a book out of those as well once they arrive.

Also, my lovely readers, do you know how difficult it is to create a whole new blog look? Right now I’m using one of the WordPress templates and it’s really bland. Sure, I created the header image from one of my Vegas pictures, but the page is just… blah.

I’m a designer, fully proficient in HTML. Well, not fully, but very comfortable with it.


2 comments on “Updatey Updaterson.. & Wanted: New Blog Look

  1. eve

    I’m sorry to hear things are tough on the job front. I was so there recently. May I have the password so I can offer some friendly support?

    Also, I hear ya on the WordPress theming! I decided to build my first WordPress theme from scratch for my personal portfolio. I got about halfway into it and then… well, let’s just say that when you see the “coming soon” tag on a website, it really means “not coming anytime soon”! I’m sure some inspiration will hit soon.

    GL with things. Sending positive thoughts.

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